Privacy Policy

This Privacy and Policy explains the operational module of Ayrem. This brand collects, use, share, and protect Personal Information of Users (“you”) obtained through the activities on any of our platforms and its tools integrated into third-party services (“Services”). Personal Information is an information that identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the users on this platform. Ayrem is fully committed to respecting privacy and to secure any information that our users provided. Your privacy and security are brand highest priorities and t all the information provided by you is protected. The brand follows and comply with best practices and regulation in the area of privacy and General Data Protection Regulation

  1. Personal Information Which We May Collect

    While providing our Services, we may collect Personal Information, namely:

    1. Information necessary for registration. In order to access the full functionality of the Service, you need to register or subscribe to the brand email list. Going through the registration process, you are entitled to provide an e-mail address, create password, reachable mobile number, birth date and account details for Gift card and BTC users. You may also choose to log in via supported third-party service provider (for example, Twitter, Facebook and Google+). You can also choose to add a Google Authenticator to be used for improved security verification
    2. Transaction Information. For all user accounts, we collect transaction information including bank details.
    3. Through the use of the brand Services, including exchange tools, we also monitor and collect tracking information related to usage such as access date & time, device identification, operating system, browser type and IP address. This information may be directly obtained by us or through third party services.
    4. Sometimes in case of KYC procedure you may require to share with us some other Personal Information. We do not collect any information that may identify you without your permission.
  2. Children

    We do not intend to collect Personal Information from anyone under the age of 18. If you are under 18, do not sign up or enter any personal information on any of the brand Services platform.

    1. maintain and ensure properly function services;
    2. ensure that the brand interface is accessible for Users across all platforms;
    3. comply with brand legal obligations. Ayrem is obliged to collect certain information about our users in respect to Know Your Client and Anti-Money Laundering regulations in order to aid during criminal investigations;
    4. protect your assets. Information about your transaction allows us to monitor suspicious activity and protect you from fraud and scam activity;
    5. send update and periodic e-mails. Information collected might be used for security reasons, to seek your opinion about the website, or to keep you updated on any changes to the services provided on the platforms in all ramification. And can be used to follow up with you through live chat, call or email;
    6. resolve disputes and enforce our agreements to the extent necessary and sufficient for protecting your interests or interests of other users.
  3. Data Retention
    1. Your information will be retaining only for as long as is for necessary purposes as indicated in this policy. We will retain your information just to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.
    2. The User may request to remove the personal data; user requests could be fulfilled by the erasure of personal data to the extent permissible by the applicable law and regulations. In some cases, we are obliged to store your information to be legally compliant.
  4. Cookies Policy
    1. Cookies are sent to your browser from the Website and stored on your computer's hard drive.
    2. We use cookies to recognize your browser or device, learn more about your interests, and provide you with essential features and services and for additional purposes, including to:
      1. Recognize you when you sign-in to use our services;
      2. Keep track of initiating transaction process;
      3. Preventing fraudulent activity;
      4. Improve security;
      5. Reporting.
    3. browser cookies can be managed through browser settings. You may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit the Website and some features and services may not work due to the cookies adjustment you made.

    Security Measures

    1. Ayrem aim to protect your information as much as we aim to protect our own information and network. We will not permit any third parties to contact you directly on an unsolicited basis in relation to their own products or services. We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal identification information to others. You should never disclose your account password to unauthorized parties.
    2. We use certain security measures to help keep your personal information safe, but we cannot guarantee that these measures will stop any users try to get around the privacy or security settings on the Website and Services platform through unforeseen and/or illegal activity. That is why we make no warranty, express, implied or otherwise, that we will prevent such access.

    Your Rights to Your Information

    In accordance with effective regulations, you have a significant number of rights related to your Personal Information, such as:

    1. The right to access and amend the personal information you supply during signup and when using the services. You have right to request for copy of the personal information. Also, you have the right to correct or update your Personal Information at any time.
    2. The right to delete the Personal Information. You may request to remove the personal data if you do not want to use our Services or want your data to be erased, you can request us to remove your account permanently. Should that be a case, your requests could be fulfilled by the erasure of personal data to the extent permissible by the applicable law and regulations. In certain cases, we are obliged to store your information to be legally compliant.
    3. The right to restrict processing. You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your Personal Information. When processing is restricted, we can still store your information, but will not use it further for any purpose.
    4. The right to object to the processing of your data. You have a right to object to our use of your Personal Information for our own purpose at any time. In other words, you can withdraw your consent to processing your Personal Information by us. In case you want to exercise this right, you may contact us. This right also includes the right of objection to processing your Personal Information for marketing and advertising purposes. You can do it by clicking on the special button (unsubscribed button) or by contact us and opting out from receiving all e-mails.
    5. The right to lodge a complaint with a Supervisory Authority.

    There are exceptions to these rights, such as, access to Personal Information may be denied in some circumstances if making the information available would reveal Personal Information about another person or if we are legally prevented from disclosing such information. In addition, where some of the data is necessary to maintain our Website and Services or where that is a legal requirement, we may retain such data for the period it is needed or required even if you withdraw your consent or cancel your account. Such information will not be considered as subject to erasure.

    Law and Harm

    Anything to the contrary in this Policy, may preserve or disclose your information if we believe that it is reasonably necessary to comply with a law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request; to protect the safety of any person; to address fraud, security or technical issues; or to protect our or our users’ rights or property. However, nothing in this Policy is intended to limit any legal defenses or objections that you may have to a government’s request for disclosure of your information.

    Changes to Policy

    This Policy will be amended with a prior notice/notification. We encourage you to review it periodically in order to be aware of the changes we may have made. Reading it carefully and checking for any modifications is your responsibility. By using the Services, you accept and agree to the Policy and the Terms of Use.

    Contact Us

    If you have any questions about this Policy or In case you want to exercise your rights, please contact us on the brand help line or support link [email protected]